Cat Dressed as a Shark Riding a Roomba and Chasing a Duckling

I repeat – cat dressed as a shark riding a Roomba and chasing a duckling.

I posted this already on Facebook and it got only ONE response. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? This is the pinnacle of both human evolution and technological innovation. Keep your flying cars and your moonbases and your cure for the common cold. This is a cat dressed as a shark riding a Roomba and chasing a duckling – along with a cameo at the end of a dog dressed as a hammerhead shark.

Out of the Water

I quite like this song. And this dude has a very pleasing voice (and ain’t too hard on the eyes…) And his name is Fabio! So this is win-win-win.

And what about that mixing board? I’m genuinely curious as to whether it’s a prop or for-reals – because that is some straight-up Star Trek: The Next Generation shit.

Nice Job, Topeak!

rackI have a Topeak beam rack for my bike – it’s a rack that attaches via quick-release to my seat post and allows me to carry a case with my gym stuff in it. It’s a superbly designed accessory, especially the fact that it’s so easy to attach and remove from my bike.

Anyway, I’ve owned this rack for 18 months or so and I noticed the bungee part of the rack seemed to be wearing out and getting ready to break. So, I sent Topeak an email at 9:04AM today, asking how one goes about ordering a replacement.

And at 9:05AM, I received a reply from Nick at Topeak with specific instructions on how to do exactly that. That’s right – I received a reply to my email within one minute of sending it. I called the 800 number he provided, spoke with a very efficient woman at Topeak who took my order for a new bungee and it’s being sent to me presently.

So, within ten minutes of contacting Topeak by email, not only had they answered my question, they had fulfilled my request for a replacement bungee (and it only cost $6). While this is first and foremost a tribute to some fine customer service on the part of Topeak, it’s also a rather sad commentary on the general level of service I am accustomed to receiving. What Topeak did was straightforward and something they likely do every day – it really shouldn’t even be remarkable, since nothing I sought from this interaction was unusual.

But for so many other businesses, even responding to a customer inquiry is too much to ask for. I recently attempted to contact JayBird regarding some of their Bluetooth headphones I own – I’ve been having trouble with them holding a charge. I submitted my inquiry online – and the site told me to expect a reply within 24 hours. That was several weeks ago and I’ve heard nothing… and I’ve since purchased new Bluetooth headphones from one of their competitors.

So, good job Topeak! And, even though I generally frown upon the inclusion of literary quotations in email signatures, I couldn’t help but smile at the one that Nick from Topeak used:

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” – Dr. Seuss


This is how I’m imagining my arrival at SFO in October for my trip to Istanbul…

“I’m sorry, sir. I don’t think you’re permitted in the First Class Lounge.”


To wit:

Seat1A copy

Have I mentioned that I’m flying first class? Because I am.

And Now You Know…

“For the record, we are categorized into two major groups: adult babies or diaper lovers.” Well, DUH.

From an “Ask Isadora” column that ran in the SFBG many years ago.



California Dreamin’

Relaxing after work last night, gettin’ my Jeopardy on, when a couple of commercials played back-to-back.

First, this, for Extended Stay America:

Just terrible. I guess it’s supposed to be funny? But what a trite choice of a song. Plus the main dude looks like a potential serial killer and/or child toucher and has an extra-cray gleam in his eye. It’s unsettling to say the least and I would steer clear of this hotel chain if this is the caliber of the other guests. Plus the features they’re singing about? Free wifi? Tap water? It’s not exactly sexy – but then I guess neither is spending weeks and weeks in a hotel adjacent to a business park.

Then, this, for Power Ball’s arrival in Cali:

Amazing! Beautifully shot, the score is perfect, it’s fun and fantastic at the same time. Alludes to the wonderful thought of winning the lottery without bludgeoning the viewer over the head.

So what’s my point here? I guess just that despite most commercials simply being ordinary and many being just awful, there are some agencies out there producing some really cool commercials. Well done, David & Goliath!

Making It Work

ninaA couple of weeks ago, the following conversation took place between a colleague and me. For the record, he is far and away the best dressed fellow in my office. Granted, given the general shlubbiness of the competition (self definitely included), it sounds like it’s not saying much. But even in an office full of dandies, he’d be sure to be among the dandiest.

He: Hey, I meant to ask you where you got those shoes you were wearing yesterday.

Me: At the thrift store. They were $35.00.

He: No, I mean the brown ones with orange stripe on the sole (Ed. note: I was especially pleased – though not surprised – that he noticed the orange stripe. It’s what totally made the shoes hot.)

Me: Yeah, I got those at the thrift store. They were $35.00, brand new and fit me perfectly.

He: Seriously? Fuck you.

If I never wear these shoes again, I’ve already gotten far, far more than $35 dollars worth of pleasure from them. But of course I will wear them, since they are super-cute.

In related news, my new eyeglasses were declared “sick” by the same colleague. This is apparently a high compliment among the youngs.

8 Seconds of Cinematic Perfection

So good. The dismissive nail filing, the deadpan facial expression, the weary surveillance of the room, the sigh and finally – the line.

Also, I aspire to do exactly this upon my arrival anywhere – including my own apartment.

The more things change…

So, I’ve been on something of a hiatus. Not for any particular reason – mainly work has been extraordinarily busy, and thus very taxing on my increasingly senescent faculties. In other words, by the time I get home, about the only thing on my mind is whether I have sufficient energy and wherewithal to open a bottle of wine requiring a corkscrew and wishing that every bottle came with a screw-top.

In a perhaps-related story, I was searching my apartment for my padded travel sleep mask (as one does) with no results. I did happen across the folder full of childhood memories my mom had saved and given me a couple of years ago, so I decided to take a bit of a stroll down memory lane.

Among other things, I found this: my report card from kindergarten. Keep in mind, I was 5-years-old.

immature copy

“Somewhat immature.” Well, you know what, Mrs. Christiansen? You were a crabby old bag! Though she did at least acknowledge that I contribute to discussions (surprising, I know!).

Then there was this bit from my third grade teacher.


Seriously, that could’ve been lifted directly from my last performance review at work. Sigh… Who knew that my path in life had already pretty much been laid out at the age of 8?